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·Stone Forest Of Yunnan  ·Halamaodu tiny town, Jilin  ·National industry of images for the Sixtieth Anniversary of People's Republic of China to celebration  ·Old photos: postcards, Dalian  ·Taiwanese customs: during the Songkran Dragon Boat Festival at Sea  ·International Combat Desertification and Drought  ·Jilin Songhua Lake  ·Changbai Mountain Scenery  ·Beautiful Dongjiang Lake in Hunan  ·Lugu Lake  ·The Ruins of Jiaohe Ancient City  ·Sanya Landscape in Hainan  ·Humanistic quiet Trips: Yangming Shrine in Guiyang, Guizhou Province  ·Bashang Prairie  ·Curieuse island, Seychelles  
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  Vincent Diao Xi ( Austria )